massachusetts municipalities have been trusting lazaro paving for more than 50 years.
Since our company was founded five decades ago, we have installed millions of tons of asphalt over thousands of miles of roads and hundreds of parking lots. As a MassDOT prequalified contractor, we understand that road construction and repair demand a high level of expertise, experience and resources. Our diverse fleet of equipment and skilled staff have made us a market leader, and we are dedicated to maintaining that standard of excellence for many years to come.
We are equipped to handle a variety of roadway work for municipal and state agencies:
- Asphalt milling
- Asphalt reclamation
- Roadway construction
- Grading
- Resurfacing
Municipal Featured Projects
City of Waltham | spring 2016 & summer 2017
Major roadway resurfacing
We worked closely with the city of Waltham to develop a plan to minimize traffic disturbance. Day work was performed between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. while on busier streets, work was performed at night. In total, we milled 10 miles of roads to a depth of 1.5 inches and installed a new 1.5-inch top course. We also removed and reset granite curbing and removed and replaced concrete sidewalks, including wheelchair ramps. In total, this job required 200,000 square yards of asphalt milling; 20,000 tons of hot mix asphalt and the reconstruction of approximately 300 ADA wheelchair ramps.
TOWN OF BURLINGTOn | summer 2017
Flexible scheduling and phasing
Francis Wyman Elementary School: We were able to accommodate the town of Burlington's schedule by completing work on the Francis Wyman Elementary School parking lot before the new school year began. In addition to reclaiming, regrading and repaving the the parking lot, we removed and replaced the existing asphalt sidewalk at the main entranceway with a new cement concrete sidewalk and ADA compliant ramps and new granite curbing.
Ice Palace: We reclaimed, regraded and repaved the parking lot in phases in order to maintain access to the business throughout the rehabilitation project. In total, these jobs required 22,518 yards of reclamation, 4,529 tons of hot mix asphalt, 416 square yards of new cement concrete sidewalk and 639 yards of new asphalt sidewalk.
Town of Hudson | 2015
Complex repair in busy downtown
We restored the asphalt wearing course and repaired the existing underlying cement concrete roadway on Hudson's busy Main Street. Work was completed in a timely and orderly fashion in order to minimize impact on the many businesses in this busy downtown area. First, we milled the asphalt to expose the underlying concrete roadway. We then repaired the deteriorated concrete, repaired and filled joints and installed a geo-grid pavement reinforcement system on the concrete. We then installed an asphalt leveling course over the concrete and geo-grid system and another 2-inch asphalt top course. In total, this job required 11,159 yards of asphalt milling, 2,500 square yards of geo-grid and 2,200 tons of asphalt.
Town of CONCORD | 2014-15
Versatility on display
We reconstructed or improved a total of 13 Concord roads over the course of 2014 and 2015. These projects required a versatile skill set, as a variety of methods were used, including:
- Reclaim, regrade and pave
- Mill and pave
- Overlay
- Full depth patching
We also installed a new drainage system and reconstructed or replaced asphalt sidewalks and bituminous berm along many of the roads. In total, this project required 41,729 yards of reclamation; 45, 355 square yards of milling, 13,000 tons of hot mix asphalt, 1,260 square yards of sidewalk reconstruction, 3,550 linear feet of bituminous berm replacement, 7,600 linear feet of new drainage pipe and 118 new drainage structures.
Municipal Work Gallery
We're proud to have worked with many cities and towns across eastern Massachusetts as well as MassDOT. Please take a look at some of our recent municipal projects, including roadway and parking lot paving, as well as asphalt milling, reclamation and resurfacing work. Need more information? Contact us.